- Take your time the pace of life in many foreign countries is slower.
- If traveling alone, buy a local paper, keep in under your arm or open and read it on a bus or train.
- Keep the map out of sight, study it before you leave your hotel.
- Consider buying a pair of local shoes, especially if you arrived in white tennis shoes or God forbid, Crocs.
- Use local currency, not US dollars, or better yet any form of electronic payment to avoid fumbling through a wad of foreign currency.
- Fanny packs are a flashing neon sign for "Ugly American."
- For women, instead of a purse, consider a plastic bag, which is also good for maps and guide books.
- Place your cash, credit cards, and other valuables close to your body and not all in the same place. Keep a small amount of cash in your wallet. If accosted, hand over your wallet without question or comment. Most thieves will leave quickly. Resistance just buys you trouble.
- Do not give money to beggars and urchins. Many are run by criminals. If you want to help, ask about local charities.
- Backpacks are a target. One person will distract you while an accomplice slices open the bottom and removes the contents.
Ray Wells
Great blog, love the fact that you have actually "been there done that!" Keep the great posts coming!